
Date Planner
Key Points:
- When Date Changes - Date is start date/trigger column.
- perform Add Days - Add Days is selected method from the dropdown.
- by No of Days - No of Days column contains the number of days to be added.
- excluding days - days is coma (,) seperated input of week days name. E.g. Saturday,Sunday
- and holidays - holidays is coma (,) seperated input of dates in YYYY-MM-DD format. E.g. 2024-08-20,2024-08-21
- and cast result to Final Date - Final Date is date column to store the result.

Currency Converter
Key Points:
- When Price USD - Price USD is a number column and trigger.
- changes convert it from US dollar - US dollar is source currency type selected from dropdown.
- to Indian Rupee - Indian Rupee is target currency type selected from dropdown.
- as on Date - Date column allows you to specify a date to get the conversion rate for that specific day. If no date is provided, the conversion will use the current date.
- and cast result to Price INR - Price INR column will store the converted amount.

PDF Text Extractor
Key Points:
- When PDF - PDF is an asset column.
- changes extract text from PDF, and cast result to PDF Text - PDF Text is a long text column to store the extracted text.